ECEN 460 Power Systems Operation & Control
- Lecture 1: Review of Phasors, Complex Power, and Three-Phase
- Lecture 2: Introduction, Power Grid History
- Lecture 3: Power Grid History, Three-Phase
- Lecture 4: Power Grid Operations B7Flat Case
- Lecture 5: Power System Operations, Transmission Line Models
- Lecture 6: Transmission Line and Transformer Models
- Lecture 7: Transformer Models, Per Unit
- Lecture 8: Load and Generator Models, Bus Y Matrix, Power Flow
- Lecture 9: Power Flow, Synchronous Machine Modeling
- Lecture 10: Synchronous Machine Modeling
- Lecture 11: Power Flow
- Lecture 12: Power Flow
- Lecture 13: Power Flow, Contingency Analysis, Power System Control
- Lecture 14: Power System Control, Economic Dispatch
- Lecture 15: Economic Dispatch
- Lecture 16: Economic Dispatch, Optimal Power Flow
- Lecture 17: Optimal Power Flow, Linear Programming
- Lecture 18: Security Constrained OPF (SCOPF), Power Markets
- Lecture 19: Power Markets, Transient Stability
- Lecture 20: Transient Stability
- Lecture 21: Transient Stability
- Lecture 22: Transient Stability
- Lecture 23: Frequency Response, Modeling Load, Wind Energy Systems
- Lecture 24: Modeling Load, Renewable Energy Systems
- Lecture 25: Renewable Energy Systems, Distribution Systems, Smart Grid